Professional VR Spatial Audio Contacts

During my trip to L.A I arranged meetings with different top music and audio personalities working in VR.

After a brief contact with Nonny de la Peña, VR pioneer, founder of the Emblematic Group and commissioner of the first Oculus Rift to a fellow researcher at USC. She started developing technology and new forms of storytelling tailored to the VR medium in 2007, going to Sundance as the first VR film in 2012. De la Peña usually works on Documentaries where the spectator takes the place of the protagonist, using her concept of Empathy Machine to create deeper connections between the spectator, the story and their protagonists.

She remarked the important use of „witness audio“(spatial audio with the POV of the protagonists) to create the sense of immersion and empathy. She directed me to Tim Gedemer, Owner of Source Sound, a big production music house in LA and a Studio devoted to VR and game audio implementation. He has been doing the Audio work for The Emblematic Group productions lately, and I could chat with him for a while, asking about the technical side (DAW, Plugins,HMD), about his workflow, the role of audio in VR and his views and thoughts in the future of VR.

That interview will come next as a different blog entry




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