design loop

Game Design-Loop

The core design loop for game design consists of six steps:

  1. Inspiring
    Take a decision about what kind of experience the game should create for the players. In the case of educational games it is also important to decide what knowledge should be trained.
  2. Framing
    Assess the parameters of the game. Set reasonable but fierce deadlines in order to force yourself to work more efficiently and really get things done.
  3. Brainstorming
    Start putting the ideas down on paper. In this state there is no good or bad – just write everything down and sort out later.
  4. Prototyping
    Take the best ideas from the brainstorming, further develop them and create a prototype.
  5. Testing
    Test the prototype in order to see what works and what needs revision.
  6. Iterating
    Use the learnings from the testing to further improve the process.




  1. Gary, Justin; Think like a Game Designer – The Step-by-Step Guide to Unlocking Your Creative Potential, Aviva Publishing, 2018
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