Today I like to present the end results of my survey concerning mildly infuriating things. Finally 40 participants took part and gave me some new insights to the topic. I updated the bubble chart. The numbers are showing which circumstances the most people experienced theirselves.
The final results:
40 participants
polling the experiences
- Torn Tape (35)
- Tangled Ports (32) & Slim Film (32)
- Broke Coke (31)
- False Holes (30)
- Bathing Cutlery (29)
- Well Assorted (28)
- Bitter Disappointment – large packaging, little substance (25)
- Package in Package (24)
- Sharp And Useless (22)
- Crooked Roadwork (18)
- Bad Cuts (15)
- Shaking The Salt Packets (11)
The second question
Thinking about these situations above, are there some other cases, I didn’t mention?
Here is a summary of all the answers I got. Some people mentioned the same situations. Others yield completely particular cases. I’m very thankful for every single answer! I see a lot of potential for new illustration. So stay tuned!
- knotted headphones
- cracked or unisolated wires
- almost new headphones with loose contact
- usb-c
- bent cutlery
- broken plastic forks
- barcode-stickers on fruits or vegetables
- barcode-stickers, which cannot be removed completely
- crooked caps on plastic bottles
- bruised plastic bottles
- remaining content in packaging
- packaging which can’t be emptied properly (honey, rice, coffee, soap…)
- sticky packaging (honey, marmalade, sirup)
- forever unmounted shoelaces
- torn shoelaces
- torn handles of (plastic, fabric, paper) bags
- paper money stuck in the zipper of a purse
- busted zippers
- staples, which come out half way
- water tap – always too cold or too hot
- trolley with broken handle
- expiration date on weirdest places
- coffee in keyboard
- finding the busted lamp in the fairy lights
- an alarm, which is empty, before wake-up time
- form which crashes before submission
- at the fuel station: when you want to come to a round sum of money, but just overstated
about the demographics
I asked the participants to fill out their actual age and if they are designers or not. It’s pretty interesting, that many non-designers also took part!
Some people wrote me private messages with feedback concerning my illustrations. Here are just some quotes:
Ur ur ur schöne Illustrationen! Du rockst! Bad cuts erkenne ich nicht, large packaging ist etwas undeutlich, das könnte auch ein durchgeschnittener Apfel am ersten Blick sein.
Hey ich hab ne Idee. Wieso bringst du nicht ein Buch raus mit deinen Illustrationen? Jede Seite ein Bild mit einer fetten Schlagzeile, ein Satz, Zitat, eine phrase, etc darüber. Damit kannst du sogar eine kleine Geschichte erzählen, wenn du magst
ich meine chapeau, deine Bilder sind echt gut
Schöne Illus!