the first week – some insights

Exactly one week ago, I started my survey on mildly infuriating things. I used Instagram to push this survey and to recruit some participants. Up to today, 27 people took part and gave me some new prospects and ideas on my research topic.


Today I like to show you some of the results,
but the survey will finally end at the end of January.



Creating the survey:

I used „Google Form“ to start my survey. It’s adaptable to my topic and free of charge. I tried to give it an attractive shape to gain more participants! So I used some illustrations of the mildly infuriating things, I discovered on my own.

How to promote this survey?

With this instagram posts I tried to catch as many participants as possible:

It’s very helpful to post IG-stories too, because many people just look at the stories. There was also some possibility to gain some interaction:

Here is the first overview:

The first question of the survey is a checklist. (The numbers stand for the checks. There are 27 participants)

Have you experienced one or more of these mildly infuriating situations?



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