Metroid Learning – Trough of Disillusionment

In this blog, I briefly philosophize about the current state of the project.

According to the Gartner Hype Cycle, the trough of disillusionment describes the stage of a given topic at its lowest point. I am afraid that this project has reached this point. The appeal of the main idea has decreased, the development took a long time and there are no results to show yet. And to top that off, I am cancellin the small side project I planned, too.

I wanted to do some user testing with the Anti-Controller I built last week, but a few turns of fate denied that option.
First, the wiring proved to be an overwhelming challenge. Some of the cables refused to conduct electricity, which lead to a ton of rewiring labor.
Second, during a test troublemaker-code code was uploaded to the Arduino, causing it to always press buttons on the keyboard. Because of this, uploading new sketches was impossible since there was ongoing flow of keyboard inputs.
Third, the cat whom the sparkle balls I used for the controller originally belonged to reclaimed her beloved treasures, destroying some cables and most of my setup in the process (along with my motivation to rebuild it).

This project’s end is near.
In fact, I will summarize it in a final conclusions post next week (along with some long awaited results).

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