Metroid Learning – DEV – Getting Ready

In this blog, I will briefly go over the ongoing development progress.

Developement Log

  • Created a save state to start from.
    • The save state skips the intro cutscene.
    • The starting point is set to the first point of potential input, in the tutorial.
  • Cleaned up config script.
    • Adjusted emulator folder location.
    • Reworked the loading behavior for states.
    • Formatted the code for consistency.
  • Cleaned up core sript.
    • The script loads the new save state at the beginning of code execution.
    • All player data is now correctly displayed in the custom UI.
    • The score calculation was adjusted: the AI should now focus on collecting pickups.
    • All unnecessary comments were removed.



Sprite functions in game script are the only missing piece to this puzzle. As soon as that is figured out, the project should basically work – the first test run will be conducted right after finishing the code.

Debugging will be probably the next step from then.


Bonus Content

So far I focussed on the design and relevance of Super Metroid in these Bonus Content sections. However, there is also something like a ‚culture‘ around it. When watching the speedruns, one detail might stick out – the fate of a small group of animals in the game. When completing the game quickly, players are given a choice – will they save these famous animals from an upcoming explosion or will they leave them behind?

The YouTube Channel ‚The Game Theorists‘ found their answer to this question.

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