Metroid Learning – DEV – First run, First errors

In this blog, I will objectively describe the project’s progress.

Developement Log

  • Implemented ‚getSprites‘ functionality.
    • PLMs (Post-Load Modifications) = Sprites. The RAM map provided calculated X/Y positions.
    • Enemy projectiles = Extended Sprites (for now). The RAM map provided several fitting X/Y positions. Projectiles were chosen for test reasons.
  • Adjusted code execution order.
    • Loading a pool before it was initialized caused crashes.
    • Initializing a pool too early also caused crashes.
  • Corrected syntax errors.
    • Some errors were caused because of bad naming conventions.
  • Adapted project folder structure.
    • No more ‚pool‘ folder. All files are on one level so that loading files is made easier.



The current solution of reading sprites needs to be further optimized: there is no difference between good and bad sprites yet. This will cause errors if left untouched.

Running the script the first time was destined to fail. However, that was expected. The current error message just says „NLua.Exceptions.LuaScriptException: -28“. This is bad, because there are no hints on where the actual error could be. I will try to replace suspicious areas of code with sample data. My goal is to get the script running in the next blog.


Bonus Content

I found an interesting article on, which is known as a social media news platform.

This article is about a community achievement: a ‚Twitch Plays‘ playthrough of Super Metroid, in which input commands are given by all viewers of the stream – via chat messages.

In case the link above does not work, here a copy-pasta:

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