Color Grading -New Topic

The aim of this paper is to give readers an insight into the subject of Color Grading. Basic
concepts are explained as well as an overview of the most common color associations
are given.
In the video post-production as well as in the field of image editing, color grading has
become a very important technique. It is used to give the image- or video material a
certain look and evoke particular emotions by the viewer. For example, a Color Grading
with soft and bright colors creates a dreamy and romantic atmosphere, and conversely,
rich contrasts and dark gray or green tones can create a threatening and gloomy scene.
It is important to say that there is a big difference between Color Grading and Color
Correction. Color Grading changes the overall ästhetics of a picture and creates a
completely new mood by the observer (viewer). In the process of Color Correction there
are made some basic adjustments of the image or video like contrast, exposure, noise or
white balance.
In addition, there will be a practical part where it is examined, if it is possible to create
different emotions through different color grading styles of just one scene.

Color Grading example


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