an accident – I can’t believe it…

Yesterday something really really bad happened to me (again).

I was sitting in class, listening to the lecture of Sebjanic. And then the „DIY“ part started. Actually pretty to nice to have hands on classes. But moving through the pretty stuffed class can be pretty annoying and sometimes risky. We were cutting, clueing, screwing and then. Then it happened. I was rolling back with my chair to carry some tools for our self-made microscope. And then it went right through me. I heard an uncanny noise from behind. You wont guess what it was. No it had nothing to do with the cutter, the ruler, the screwer, the hot glue. It was „just“ my charger for the Mac Book. Which hang down loosely – cracked at the plug. The sockets in this class (307a) are exactly on the same height like the seatbacks. So I just destroyed it with a little, strong movement. And of course it happened right after I plugged it in – so my mac was pretty uncharged. Just a little side fact.

I saw that my mac was still charging and so I could calm down a bit. The first challenge was to plug it off, without destroying it completely or getting an electro shock. I managed it. The second was to fix it. I was pretty lucky that we had this DIY class. So I could just use some tape to fix it temporary. For sure I couldn’t just use some tape, because the challenge, like always, was to tear it straight. I haven’t been wondering about that because my survey showed that everybody is pretty used to this mildly infuriating situation. At home I removed the tape and used some strong clue to stick it together. And why did I have this clue? Because it wasn’t the first time, that this happened to me.

If you haven’t experienced this by yourself, you can get a picture of the disaster below:



Yeah, I’m glad that I could fix it, but the pretty annoying encore:
The tape left a sticky film.


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