The Voice of Murals in Urban Spaces

Street-art in the way of Graffiti certainly changed a lot during the last years – moving away from its origin of name-tagging and territory-marking. It developed into an sophisticated artform with its power of making a real difference by influencing people in whole other ways. It is still an alternative art-form, far from norms of commercialised art – allowing it to grow and adapt quickly unbound from any standards. Unbound also in the way of accessibility – in contrary to conventional art and culture related matters, murals are exposed to a huge audience day by day, without limitations in time or cost.

Street art is by the people for the people, the least autocratic,
most democratic and open-source of all art forms.

As the attendance to museums is falling in the last few years, the influence of Murals is getting more important than ever. Street Art evolved into an effective way of sparking reflection on ourselves and our surroundings in an organic, non-commercial way, gently teasing us to ponder.

»Ancient Egyptians believed viewing hieroglyphs and meditating upon them for long periods would elevate the viewer’s consciousness to a higher state by connecting to a hidden sacred geometry embedded within the repeating glyphs.«

With Murals it is not just the way they evoke pondering in one single person passing by but the possibility to connect this variety of unspoken answers from all those people noticing and thereby shaping and even improving a whole neighbourhood.
A lot of cities already integrated murals as a way of revitalizing blighted districts – make them vivid and tangent again. When you strive through Bogota, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Paris, Montreal, San Francisco or Brazil you’ll find proudly presented pieces of art decorating walls but more importantly creating impact not just on its citizens but attracting people all around the globe.

Street Art in Getsemani, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

Vasallo, Eric A. (2016): „The Evolution of Street Art“. URL:

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