1.Questions needed answers

1.whether moving posters are needed at all, which approaches work best and what the future of the medium could look like.

2.Who benefits from the new possibilities and seemingly boundless gimmicks – the designer, the client or the user?

3.Is the moving poster only a short-term trend or the obvious further development of the static poster?

4.Has the potential been fully exploited – what about interactive moving posters?

5.What distinct features are lost when translating static posters into moving ones far can designers go without diluting the strength of the poster and its impact?

7.And at what point is a poster no longer a poster?

2. The moving poster

In 2016, the exhibition  The moving poster # 1  explored the many possibilities offered by this new medium. In 2017, static posters  Moving Poster # 2 . In 2017, The moving poster # 2, the theme of the second exhibition is very special. The posters uses static posters, and the mobile app, you can see the AR dynamic poster on the spot, and add sound effects to the various possibilities of dynamic posters. For the third edition of the exhibition series, graphic designer Josh Schaub has exchanged ideas with other designers about the future of moving posters and presents the results of the discussions.

The moving poster # 1
The moving poster # 2
The moving poster # 3


3.Motion graphics & Parametric graphic design become trendy 

The choice of brand promotion is no longer a static one

Font design can be parameterized

Design schools have started dynamic graphic courses

Put programming into the design is your tool

Samsung poster

4. Relevent persons and events

TYPOMANIA      World Graphic Format Festival    Josh Schaub   

Dia Studio     Zach Lieberman    Stink Studios    The Mill






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