stage 2: Moving poster research

After music festival I’m applying to my music festival poster design. which is animated poster, why it is getting popular, how it works, who is the master of this field, which carrier does it use to perform. Those are the questions I am going to do research.


1.1 definition

The moving poster is placed between the static poster and the moving film. Although it is a cross between both disciplines, it is still a poster, and as such  , there are still many names of moving posters: animated poster, gif poster, interactive poster, motion poster, dynamic poster, I think the name of this poster should be fixed, otherwise it will cause some unnecessary troubles.

poster, moving poster, movie

1.2 three genres of moving posters

The moving poster offers a wide range of static, dynamic and even filmic examples.


The posters in the group have been minimally animated . There are no position changes in the poster, therefore the effect is predominantly static and still very similar to the printed poster. Posters show alternating  color surfaces, alternating examples or alternating single visuals. 



The posters in this segment can be broken down into innumerable formats and content categories, which sometimes overlap. Posters demonstrate a single, central movement or many smaller divided movement processes. Certain posters show abstract animation content, such as pushing items or turning. Others show realistic movement such as the revolving light of a lighthouse or buses driving past. Some posters are played continually without a plot and therefore without a start and finish. Others have a dramatised build up with a clear structure.



The posters in this group are very close to film. The movement is almost exclusively on certain filmed scenes. On the one hand, poster show movie scenes which interrelate with typography. Others show only film scenes and typography without any significant point of contact.  



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